
Discover the Deferendum App – Now Available in Google Play Store

Make better group decisions with the Deferendum app
Debate and vote anytime, anywhere

Now, Homeowners’ Associations, Parents’ Associations and other formal groups can download from the Google Play Store the Deferendum app that allows members to debate and vote on current issues, directly from their mobile.

Deferendum stimulates the individual intelligence for the collective good

Our world needs a better way to manage its resources. And we believe that the solution will come from small communities that successfully exploit new technologies in order to better organize their activity and resources.

The most important resource that Deferendum intends to harness is collective intelligence. The main problem that the Deferendum app solves is the limited amount of time that people can devote to understanding the issues and the solutions presented.

With little time at their disposal, many people fail to express their opinion or to cast their vote, and many who do, are poorly informed about the problem. As a result, mistrust and conflict arise within the group.

Many of these problems disappear when communities are using the Deferendum technology in their decision-making process. 

With Deferendum, relevant information is organized simply, intuitively and is accessible anywhere and anytime. And thanks to App’s push notifications, members are always up to date with the latest discussions.

The Deferendum application simplifies the process of understanding and solving problems by structuring the information in two scenes:

1. Preliminary Scene: 

  1. Present a new problem
  2. Rank the problem based on its urgency

2. Main Scene

  1. Debate the solution
  2. Vote for or against the solution.

Deferendum provides digital tools to help society better communicate “What?” and why?” wants. Unlike face-to-face discussions where the exchange of lines imposes a rhythm of understanding, online debates allow more people to analyze at their own pace the validity of the arguments presented, leading them to better make a decision.

         Because the Deferendum application can serve any type of formal group that uses democratic decision-making principles: Student Associations, Teacher Councils, Owners Associations, Trade Unions, Political Parties, Professional Associations, University Associations, Management Boards, etc., our estimates are that by the end of 2025, the application will exceed 20 million users globally.

New features are added weekly in order to enhance the user’s experience with the Deferendum App. Groups also have the possibility to request the development of special features that are specific to their activity. 

           The Deferendum application is available free of charge until we decide otherwise. Details about the conditions for enrolling in the program are available on the website https://deferendum.com in the “Terms and conditions” section.

Nick Dragoi
Deferendum Founder & CEO

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