
Deferendum builds on AGILE

Agile methodology has become a popular approach in software development due to its iterative and incremental process that values customer collaboration and responding to change. It prioritizes adaptability, efficiency, and transparency in delivering products that meet customer needs. Deferendum, a mobile application that empowers groups to collaborate remotely on solving their most pressing issues, shares many similarities with Agile methodology in its process and values.

Agile methodology is characterized by its iterative process of developing a product through continuous feedback and collaboration with stakeholders. Similarly, Deferendum has a two-stage process that involves the preliminary stage where group members can raise and prioritize problems and the main scene where members can debate and vote on proposed solutions. The app values customer collaboration by giving them a voice in the decision-making process, just like Agile values the involvement of stakeholders in the development process.

Both Agile and Deferendum prioritize adaptability and responding to change. Agile methodology is designed to be flexible and responsive to changing customer needs and market conditions. Similarly, Deferendum’s process allows for flexibility in responding to changing priorities and needs. The app allows for new issues to be added and prioritized based on current needs, and new solutions can be proposed and voted on.

Efficiency is another value shared by both Agile and Deferendum. Agile methodology emphasizes the importance of delivering a product in a timely and efficient manner through constant communication and collaboration. Similarly, Deferendum provides a streamlined process for groups to collaborate and make decisions efficiently. The app’s user-friendly interface and transparent decision-making process make it an ideal tool for groups that need to make decisions and vote on solutions remotely.

Transparency is a key value shared by both Agile and Deferendum. Agile methodology prioritizes open communication and transparency to build trust between stakeholders and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Similarly, Deferendum’s decision-making process is transparent, ensuring that all members are aware of proposed solutions and the results of the vote. This transparency helps build trust within the group and ensures that everyone’s voice is heard.

  1. According to the 2020 State of Agile report, 97% of organizations surveyed practice Agile in some form.
  2. The same report found that 95% of Agile practitioners believe their methodology improves project success rates.
  3. The Project Management Institute’s 2017 Pulse of the Profession report found that organizations that use Agile methodologies report an average success rate of 62%, compared to 47% for non-Agile organizations.
  4. Agile organizations are 28% more successful than their non-Agile counterparts in delivering projects on time, within budget, and with the desired level of functionality, according to a study by McKinsey.
  5. A survey by VersionOne found that 94% of organizations that use Agile report that they experience faster time-to-market for their products and services.
  6. Another survey by the Agile Alliance found that Agile teams are 28% more productive than non-Agile teams.

These statistics demonstrate the significant impact that Agile methodology has had on project success rates, productivity, and time-to-market for organizations across a range of industries. The focus on collaboration, transparency, and iterative development is a hallmark of Agile methodology, and it’s clear that these values are critical for driving positive change in the software development process. Similarly, Deferendum’s focus on collaboration, problem-solving, and transparency is a testament to the effectiveness of these values in driving positive change in decision-making processes for groups and organizations.

In conclusion, Deferendum and Agile methodology share many similarities in their process and values. Both prioritize adaptability, efficiency, transparency, and customer collaboration. Deferendum’s two-stage process allows for flexibility and responsiveness to changing needs, while Agile’s iterative process values continuous feedback and collaboration. The app’s user-friendly interface and transparent decision-making process make it an ideal tool for groups that need to make decisions and vote on solutions remotely. By leveraging these shared values and processes, teams can use Deferendum and Agile methodology together to deliver products that meet customer needs and respond to changing market conditions.

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