
Castigă Un Weekend La Munte!

Termeni și Condiții – Aplicația Deferendium Ultima actualizare: 15 Februaruie 2025 Bun venit în Deferendium, o aplicație mobilă de tip trivia destinată învățării Constituției României! Prin utilizarea aplicației, utilizatorii sunt de acord să respecte termenii și condițiile de mai jos. 1. Descrierea Aplicației Deferendium este o aplicație mobilă accesibilă la adresa: https://deferendium.com, având ca scop … Read more

What are the Sociological and Psychological Consequences of Chatting with an AI?

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, fundamentally altering how we learn, communicate, and perceive ourselves. This article explores the sociological and psychological consequences of engaging with AI, especially in the context of knowledge acquisition, personal development, and emotional well-being. The Non-Judgmental AI: A Double-Edged Sword for … Read more

The Evolution of Education: A Journey Towards Empowerment and Innovation

Education, often hailed as the cornerstone of societal development and personal growth, has undergone a remarkable evolution over the centuries. This journey, marked by significant milestones and challenges, reflects humanity’s relentless pursuit of knowledge and betterment. From Antiquity to Modern Times: A Brief History The roots of formal education can be traced back to ancient … Read more

Deferendum: Fostering Collaborative Learning in the Spirit of Vygotsky’s Vision

In the realm of education, Lev Vygotsky’s social development theory has long stood as a beacon, guiding the evolution of learning models towards more collaborative and interactive approaches. This theory, emphasizing the crucial role of community in shaping an individual’s learning journey, resonates profoundly with the ethos behind Deferendum, an innovative app designed to democratize … Read more

Deferendum and Comenius

In the early 17th century, John Amos Comenius proposed a radical idea: that education should be available to all, regardless of their social status, and that it should focus on practical knowledge and skills that would be useful to students in their everyday lives.